Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January through March is here...

As an educator I tend to break up times of the year into time segments. We are now starting what I call, and most educators will tell you is the "long haul". All the excitement of the holidays over. All the big holiday/vacation breaks are out of the way. At this point students have settleed in (we hope), so we can start getting the meat of everything and really get some learning done-before testing. It is a time when if the weather doesn't cooperate that we are all bottled up and enjoying each other's company too much. Teacher's get stressed about student progress and stressed with each other. It really is a weird cycle, that every school, not matter where I have been has it happen.
I learned last year as a principal that it is a long haul in a different way. Those kiddos who are "settled in" are settled in just enough to start pushing the envelope. Parents come out of the woodwork with various concerns that they have bottled up, stewed about, and now want to be heard and validated and in some cases "something done". It is also the time when evaluations are due and all the ideas swimming in the soup of my brain start to come forward and I am not always sure where to start.

I completely forgot this chaotic, roller coaster feeling until today and now here it is...Big breath


carey said...

i totally get this. it's a weird time of year as far as school goes. i always get excited after our ski trip in march is over--it feels like the "long haul" is over and spring is here.

i truly don't know how you get it all done. being a principal and a mom and a wife and working out and blogging :) you are GOOOOOOD.

cherk said...

Ha ha don't admire me too much. Giving up on perfectionism has helped. And I am not good at everything ALL the time. Somethings have to give sometime.

bobbione8y said...

oh, you are right! i am so dreading jan thru march!

since i am done teaching at the end of april, i am more than ever excited about my fave month of MAY this year ;)

Chris said...

I won't speak for the teachers, although I happen to know alot of them hate this part of the year, but for me I am looking forward to ot work-wise. I just got back from a couple of different Autism conferences that I badly needed. I am ready to have to the time to actually try out some of my new found knowledge! It's after Spring Break that I guess I might be losing my mind with all the Kindergarten Transitions I will be doing, not to mention my homework load. So, I hope to enjoy this part. Hang in there Cher! At least it goes fast.