Saturday, January 29, 2011

Building Trust

For Chris-
Building trust involved no consequces. And it was more like "losing trust". This meant the privilege of staying home-that they love above all others was taken away for the whole weekend. Oh and all video games. Every errand that hubby and I needed to make (and we made sure there were lots of them) they BOTH had to go with us. We even had some fun errands like Starbucks where the car conversation was this:
Boys: Can we get a frappacino-we haven't had one in a long time.
Us: Well no, because really you are not even supposed to be here. So you really should not be seen or heard. This is our time to be together and you are just along for the ride, not for fun.
Boys: How many errands are you going to run?
Us: Lots

Silence from the back seat, lovely lovely silence...


Karen said...

Wait, those ARE consequences. Right?

cherk said...

Hmmm video games and staying home alone are privileges for when you do the RIGHT thing. So it could be, or you just didn't earn it. Either way the lost out:)

Karen said...

Either way, good parenting. :-)