Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Note to self, leaving Rapid at 4:00 AM does not get you to the badlands in time for sunrise. It does make one more than ready for a nap. We had a perfect day in the badlands-a few moments of fatigue induced crabbiness (for all 3 of us) but who the heck wouldn't. I took a gazillion pictures and had a hard time choosing. There is the one shot that got away. For those of you who have traveled I-90 numerous times, you know where the tiny little dot called Wasta is. That is where we were when the sunrise was at its best. It WAS amazing. The river runs through those old gray and dead trees and this morning there was mist coming off the river and around them as the sky just started to turn a purple color, the trees were perfect black silouhettes (I messed up the spelling I am sure) against the sky. The sun came up and glowed on the hills which are very green and created a crazy glowing lime color. I was SO close to stopping, it was like something out of a movie-I didn't, oh well next time I will. Enjoy some pics from the desert of South Dakota.


bobbione8y said...


carey said...

the nature shots are beeeutiful, but my favorite shot is of the very cute boy.

Chris said...

I am hoping someone will want to go with me to the Badlands with me while I am there. I haven't been there since I was a kid. Any takers?