Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do you see the steam from my ears????

You know what really, really annoys me?? When my eldest who can be tempermental and moody, has a great day-does his chores, homework, music practice, nice to his brother and all around respectful THEN does something stupid that totally irks me. LIKE taking quarters out of a ziploc bag in my desk without asking to get ice cream from the first visit by the ice cream man-he and Q had used all their allowance already after 1 DAY and were left with nothing when the hypnotic music came down the street and he impulsively and frantically grabbed money. I was calm, I know kids screw up, but he has been reminded about this before ASK FIRST-that is all we ask......He was asked to solve it, he gave up the extra money he had earned for restitution. The whole trust factor is what I want him to figure out though-as he encroaches teenhood I just want to be able to trust him-Now I am stuck with thinking I should take him to work with me tomorrow (Which of course is the day this week I had planned to stay late and have 2 meetings) and inconveniences me more than him........I sometimes feel I am great at everything but the mom thing, trying not to nag this kid to death and give more positives than negatives and hoping I am making some kind of dent


Karen said...

It's all cumulative, Cher. You've got waaaaay more positives than negatives, and he's going to turn out just fine.

cherk said...

I hope so, of course he redeemed himself the next day while I was work all day. In hindsight it wasn't a huge deal but a good lesson.

bobbione8y said...

sigh. i wish hindsight came in the beginning ;)

cherk said...

Bobbi-wouldn't that be awesome-it could be called presight-oh well then we wouldn't be human I guess

Chris said...

You are too hard on yourself, Cher. Having said that, I know I couldn't parent pre-teens/teenagers. :)