Tuesday, March 31, 2009

&*(&^%%$$$# Snow day

OK, I won't complain too much about the snow day (ok just a little) June 15th people, June 15th.

BUT, as Karen so nicely pointed out yesterday (thanks again for the facebook chat) her boys go until June 16 and they started before us. Soooooo off to make some early morning muffins and now that the wind has died down break out the sleds later.


Karen said...


Photos, please?

Your verification words are the BEST. Yesterday it was BLESSE, and today it is SODOG.

carey said...

Bumicial for me. Hmmm.


We are seriously still waiting for this so-called snow.

And betting we don't get it.

bobbione8y said...

i'm pretty sure bumicial is an actual word :)


i would be really truly LOSING IT if this was us. so far, there are flakes. only a few flakes.

Chris said...

SO...SICK...OF ...COLD! We had a snow storm Wed. night which got a little bad. Suppose to have gotten one last night, but all we have to cold and lots of freakin wind!! hogingel:)