Monday, March 30, 2009


OK, so my summer wishing has been dumped on by ANOTHER snow day. Here is my ode to snow days (even non consecutive ones):

Snow day #1-Wahoooooo, fun, exciting, lots of sleeping in, playing outside, baking and coziness
Snow day #2-Ummm well ok, do some coziness and laundry along with some bickering but still pretty good
Snow day #3 and 4-I am missing work, have to make up IEP's that were missed, too windy to be outside and kids getting that glassy eyed bored look.
Snow day #5-NO WAY-I think we should toughen up and get the heck out there-really who cares if the interstate is closed, I USED to wear breadsacks in my boots and WALK to school in crud like this (uphill both ways too, I am sure). At this rate we will be getting out closer to July 4th then Memorial Day:<


bobbione8y said...

hey! i wore wonder sacks on my feet too!! no wonder i am a fashion plate today :)

crap. 5 days is enough to put me in the crazy farm. wishing a blast of sunshine your way.

Karen said...

I did that, too!

I think you just have to pretend it's a summer day with your boys and make the most of it, Cher.

I know, easy for me to say..

Chris said...

Sissy's! I never even heard of wearing sacks on your feet, weird!