Monday, March 16, 2009

crab, crabby, crabbier

What is worse than a crabby me?
A crabbier child-I don't know if the age of 10 is going to be a good age, the closer we get the more moody someone in this house gets. I am hoping it is the never ending cough he has had or a phase, or something-some kind of excuse for the snippity, moody, drama that hangs over him like a cloud. Weird part is the next minute he is nice as pie grrrrrrrrr and double grrrrrrrrr


Karen said...

It's got to be hormones, Cher. It happens over here, too. Just try not to strangle him. :-)

cherk said...

ahhhh see how can KNOW that so far away:)Last night was so pleasant, I think the next two weeks until my orals will be like eternal PMS for everyone around here:)

Karen said...

I will be praying, for the orals and for the hormone boy. Pray for mine, too, he told me yesterday that I always bug him after school and sometimes he JUST DOESN'T WANT TO TALK.


Chris said...

Man, that does NOT sound like fun! Hang in there, and hold on to the good sweet moments.

cherk said...

Karen-I love that, I keep forgetting I have a BOY, and the male persuasion are not into verbal exchanges as much as the rest of us and they sometimes need to just do nothing. I had to laugh when I reread your comment-his hormones or MINE:)