Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have mentioned before that someone from somewhere sends me a "sign" just when I need it the most. It happened just in this last hour. I have been at wits end with oldest son this week for multiple reasons-too many to go in to. I had been racking my brain and worrying myself with all those questions of self doubt. Why am I parent? What the heck am I doing? What the heck is my kid doing so on and so forth. So after reaching a peak with significant and logical consequences we are hopefully back on track. This culminates tonight when younger son finds out he is not able to stay home with his brother part of the day on Friday when they don't have school. He is heartbroken-literally. A comes in and asks me if Q can sleep in his bedroom to make him feel better, he says, "I know he is my little brother and I get annoyed, but I do feel really bad for him when he is sad and care for him alot." So they gather the blankets and we set up a bed on the floor and get out a story...guess what story... The Lorax-we read it together, we talk of the animals, the earth and loving all we have around us. A finishes by offering to rub his brothers back until dad gets home. The sign of all things good is there, snuggled in fleece blankets giggling and goofing around-which I will have to go back and squash but for now I just want to listen and enjoy to the sounds of something done RIGHT.


carey said...

i have to tell you that we were very possibly reading The Lorax to our kids at the exact same moment.

reaffirmation has been BIG with me lately, and i know EXACTLY where it's coming from. ;)

Chris said...

That is a great story, Cher. Made me smile.