Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mysterious Smell

I hate when I walk in the house and immediately smell something "weird". I have this "thing" if I can smell it and it offends me I must find it. So I start "smelling", walking through rooms sniffing, pausing, sniffing pausing-I narrow it down to eldest son's room. I assume it is the lizard cage so I open the window-maybe fresh air will help. I come back a while later, mmmmm no that isn't it and I know I just cleaned that ^**^^%% cage anyway and it can't be THAT bad. As I close the window I see a ziploc bag (hanging from a trophy) with cotton balls, murky water and some kind of seed (a bean growing experiment from the YMCA). There IT is-gotcha!

An experiment gone bad....incredibly, smelly BAD.

Oh to be the mom of scientific, nature loving boys.


Karen said...

ACK, I have that, too! It's usually the garbage can, and sometimes the fridge. Moose is not allowed to bring his funky running shoes in the house.

bobbione8y said...

wow. my whole house is made up of old, odd, pettish smelling things :)

he he.

good thing my smeller is not real particular :)

Chris said...

I hope you left it hanging there, it's science after all!;)

Unknown said...

He He He...My sister visited a couple of years back and both of us smelled this awful smell. It was a sight us sniffing around the house for hours.

Finally we found a rotten bag of potatoes that my dear hubby had put away in a 'new spot' which I didn't find until much too late.

ICKY! We had to bleach out the cabinet...

cherk said...

Rani-oh my gosh nothing is worse than soft rotten spuds, glad to know there are other keen sniffers out there.