Saturday, October 10, 2009

Note to self...

Do not wear nice shoes to the pumpkin patch...

'The pumpkin patch was deserted (guess the below 30 degrees) kept everyone away, and VERY picked over. I vowed to go earlier this year and that still didn't help. Big Fry didn't care though-he ran among the muck and corn stalks finding just the right pumpkin-think of me trying to find just the right Christmas tree. His biggest goal was to "Find those small pumpkins you like mom that you decorate with I will get lots of those". So we searched and tramped through the field just the two of us on a very cold day to find just the right pumpkins (that were frozen and will probably get mushy) but it was all worth it.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Oh so cool! The Monkey is bored of me by now. He doesn't even want to line dance tonight. :-( For some reason I'm just too tired to be fun today...probably killer Body Pump session yesterday. I could hardly get dressed this morning. Good thing Hub and big boys will be back tomorrow.