Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Perks of Shiny Penny people

My oldest son is a classical shiny penny person. Example he could be doing homework at the breakfast bar and see some cool animal rush by outside and jump off the stool to go out chasing it or hunting it-and be gone for an hour. If there is a "shiny penny" distractor around he will see it and be awed by it. Sometimes this can be funny and other times downright infuriating, and sometimes helpful as this story explains.

He is verbally grumping around (think door slamming, Karen) about a chore given to him. As he is walking back to his room to do said chore he spies the stainless steel garbage can I bought for the downstairs bathroom on the kitchen table. This is no ordinary garbage can mind you, but one of those cool ones you step on the pedal and the lid goes up. He is working into a tirade when all of a sudden we hear, "ohhhh what this" clunk, clunk "hey this thing is awesome!" clunk, clunk, clunk and then he quietly heads back and does the task.

Gotta love those shiny penny people


Karen said...

This is my favorite Alec story EVER. I can totally see the whole thing unfolding. I think I'm a shiny penny person, too!!

bobbione8y said...

i always have said that if i see "something sparkly" i cannot concentrate...i guess i am a shiny penny people too :)

cherk said...

Karen-I know- the visual of it just makes me chuckle all over again, it is classic! Clunk, clunk clunk-that is exactly why it is going in the DOWNSTAIRS bathroom
Bobbi-I think I am a closet shiny penny person, that is why I find a load of laundry in the middle of the bed 2 days later-something else MUST have been much more sparkly at the time.

carey said...

i can vouch for bobbi being a shiny penny person FOR SURE. :)

this is a great great story. thanks for "cher" ing it.