Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Zoo tycoon

I am not a big video or computer game player and those little reality, weird games on FB like Farmville never appealed to me either-by the way on a side note do not try to contact me through facebook, my account is a screwy and I can't get on. Back to the story...
Small fry recieves Zoo and Marine Tycoon for his bday. It is this little game where you buy things, build things, and staff a zoo or aquarium. Definitely up his ally excpet he kept having his zoo go bankrupt. He puts the game up for awhile until the rainy days last week. We find there is a "kid version" where you can't go bankrupt. He loves it! (Secretly I could play for a LONG time to, my zoos rock!) I ask him how the zoo is going, he looks at me and rolls his eyes, "Great, except for those stupid lions, they keep mating and having babies! I have to keep selling them. Those lions are never happy" this is emphasized with his hands in thrown up in the air.

1 comment:

Karen said...

That kid! First the mood ring (I LOVE the tv quote) and now the unhappy lions! You don't need television, Cher. You have all the entertainment you need!