Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Man work

I should be showering for work right now, that was my goal. I think the summer bug has finally hit and my motivationt to get anything I SHOULD get down goes right out the window and we find ourselves at the pool, park, fishing etc. This is not a bad thing except we are in week 4 of hubby's summer from "you know where" and it is starting to get past annoying. He has been working weekends and nights until midnight or later. I know this is nothing compared to single parent life, deployed life etc, but it ruins MY little summer fun. Not only am I doing my fun stuff and usual summer catch up but the "Man work". I have been joking that I have had to wear the man pants lately with all the household jobs. Now don't get me wrong, it is my nature to try and do everything a guy can do. I so far have changed my headlight bulb (that was sweaty and exhausting, me and Dave at the parts store are good friends), tailight bulb, a trip to the dump-whole other story, working on basement canned light fixtures and other odd usuall hubby to-do stuff. Last night I about lost it. I wanted to get kids to bed early when small fry comes out with a wall light he waited patiently for a month for dad to get (I did), waited a week for dad to install and now can wait no more. I tell him I don't want to do it, it is 9:00. He proceeds to assemble it and spread the directions out, he wants it on the wall now. We get tools, I screw into a stud, have to find another spot, show him how to use chalk to mark the spots and drilling we install the light. He tells me thanks I tuck him in. One more man job done, it was 10:00 and off to make lasagna for a friend!


carey said...

i'm proud of you for tackling the hard stuff, and i feel bad for poor shane, missing out on summer and his family and working like a dog. is there a break on the horizon? that can't be fun.

Karen said...

I just lost my whole stupid comment.


cherk said...

Karen-Double grr the same thing has been happening to me every time I commment.
Carey-August and then hopefully a family trip in the fall

bobbione8y said...

sounds like you guys have a lot of illumination going on over there :)