Tuesday, June 15, 2010

kiss and tell

The one good thing about rained out camping, is there is alot of time to talk to an 11 year old. The same 11 year old who often says he has no friends, nobody likes him etc. I think that is a big sympathy card for my benefit and here is why. This is a snippet of converstation while camping.

Big fry and I are holding hands for fun.
Big Fry: Holding hands with you is way different than holding hands with Jessica
Me: You have held hands with a girl (by the way the secret to getting your child to tell these deep secrets is to never let them see you surprised or sweat)
BF-(very sheeplishly) yes
Me: That better be all you have done
Me-Have you kissed?? (really working at not looking surprised by now)
BF-Yeah (red cheeks and much giggling accompanies this answer)
Me: Where
BF-you know at the climbing wall (he later confides to dad that the lilac bushes surrounding the school playground are where all the 5th graders go)

Think I better call my principal friend and have her put in a work order to get some new playground equipment and cut down all those bushes. By the way this story warms my heart-there is hope for quirky kids:)


Karen said...

I have noticed lately the very fine line between being appalled at what a kid says and being proud of what they have done.

"Never let them see you sweat." Genius.

I learned this one recently, too. When extra kids are riding in the car, turn the radio volume up loud in the back and have it off in the front. That way they have to raise their voices to hear each other and don't realize that you can hear everything, too.

carey said...

Love the story, cher. good for big fry!

i like the radio in the car trick too. i'll have to remember that.

bobbione8y said...

oh. i don't think i could pretend i was cool during that conversation...JUST TELL ME, KID!