Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Is it too much to ask?

Is it too much to ask of the fry who gets the following "x"s for needs improvement on the report care (all year) for 1) managing time wisely, 2) make appropriate decisions, and 3) follow directions to do the following while we are at work:
1) not play video games (we took the control card Monday-forgot to take the card out the last two days)
2) complete a pretty simple chore list in an alloted amount of time

Granted the kid is successful in school regardless of these x's.
But today when they fessed up and admitted playing the game AND getting only one thing on the list done that was AT 10:40 after I called to say I was on my way home I really was about to have an adult tantrum.

By the way is it too much to ask to NOT get a hold right before camping???


Karen said...

Oh, Cher. I'm afraid I'm not much help on this one. I'm on the verge of choking two out of three children over here. Deep breath. I wish I was going camping with you..

cherk said...

Just knowing that I am not alone and that my kid is not a weirdo is enough:)

cherk said...

And yes camping would be awesome, taking a whole pitcher of sangria

carey said...

i am no help either. yesterday i did throw a tantrum after both kids forgot to take mitts to baseball. i SQUEALED tires.

you should have seen the look on their faces. :)