Thursday, February 19, 2009


Ahhh the big 3 evening marathon is over! 2 nights of classes and one night of conferences checked off! Only one class for the next 3 weeks. Here is a run down of the good the bad and the ugly this week

Portfolio-done and turned in
One philosophy of education written and turned in
Teacher of Distinction Nomination to represent my building
ATHLETA dress arrives and it ROCKS-I think I will lounge in it around the house

Not seeing the boys all week
Excessive caffiene intake
Not sleeping and dreaming of homework on my laptop

Icky kids who called my son a "reptile geek" on Wednesday and put a "kick me" sign on his back today-luckily the teacher found the sign, and I trust her to handle it. But I tell you what that kind of kid stuff just sets me off

Oh by the way I should put down the BEST-I am not going to do one piece of homework this weekend, doing nothing and having FUN


Karen said...

Schwew, Cher. I'm glad you survived it. I sure wish I was there to hang with you this weekend. We need to do some serious Retire in Rapid brainwashing on my hub when we're home this summer.

cherk said...

That would be awesome, Shane so needs a "person"! Brainwashing is good, does that really work?? Let me know when you are home this summer as soon as you can, so I don't schedule silly appts or classes for the boys

Chris said...

Mean kids! Glad you made it through your week. I just marvel at all you get accomplished with work and family. Impressive!