Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chalk one up for the boys

I have joked previously regarding the dreaded spring parent/teacher conference-being only for "those" kids. Well I was proven wrong this time around. Oldest son's FABULOUS, WONDERFUL 4th grader teacher had a conference to express how great she thinks he is doing. He has become so much more into writing, wanting to do a good job and taking responsibility that it has been awesome to see. There are still the issues of organizing, joking around, and getting off task, but the progress overshadows all of that.

Younger son had a conference and is doing awesome, talk of putting him in second grade for math time is a little scary, I knew he was good at math-really good, but that weirded me out. He definitely takes after hubby in that area.

On another note working on my polar plunge costume. I am so proud of our school, the kids have raised 600.00 in 3 days in a penny war! We are having a friendly competition with a school on the westside-I am sure they will cream us in the fundraising dept. but who cares. I am 25.00 from my own personal goal but not too worried about. It has been fun to get excited about a great cause, and I can't wait to jump for my boys and my kiddos at school. There is a student I don't even know in first grade whose mom told the secretary he can't wait to see the Pink Power Ranger!


carey said...

yay, let's hear it for great parent/teacher conferences!

i can't wait to see photos of you in your power ranger suit. when is the jump again?

cherk said...

February 28, Do you remember Debbie Daniels? We graduated with her, she is wonder woman

bobbione8y said...

so, did you plunge ?

how was it?