Thursday, January 1, 2009

Positive DNA

Here is a story about my sons and what I love about each.

Q-the younger is very visual and asks for step by step How to Draw books, he was very specific about what kind books he wanted. Santa came through and delivered the books, new sketchpad and markers-I was a little jealous. The kid starts drawing and drawing. I don't pay too much attention until he comes and shows me. WOW-not to bad for a 6 year old in my eyes. He loves to draw and do art, and I love that he enjoys it-just as much as I did at that age.

A-The older gets geodes-these ugly rocks that have beautiful crystal formations inside when you cut them open (there is some kind of symbolism there I am sure). So he is pumped about finding geodes, so we pack on winter clothes and shoes and hunt for geodes not once but twice in the cold and snow. No luck, but he doesn't care, he loves to be outside exploring and enjoying nature-just as I did as kid and still enjoy.

It is a joy that comes from knowing that after all the griping, family squabbles and annoying things kids do and often cruddy behavior that some positive genetic traits have been passed down.

By the way the outdoor pics are a little blurry, the camera was pretty heavy for a six year old


carey said...

not sure why this post made me tear up, but it did. i love how much you love your boys, cher. i just do.

cherk said...

Oh you softie, probably because you know exactly how that love feels:)

Unknown said...

sounds like you have some amazing little men there...

what a blessing our children are, huh?

Karen said...

Awesome. I love how you nurture their differences, Cher.