Wednesday, January 7, 2009

From the mouths of babes

I have been sick with a stupid chest cold and up all night coughing, so I break down and go to the "drug" store. Here is the following conversation in the car as we pull into the parking lot

A-Where are we going?

Me-To the drug store

A-The what store?

Me-The drug store

A-What are you getting there?

Me-Medicine for my cold

A-They have medicine at the drug store?

Me-Well yes, that is why they call it a drug store

A-oh-I thought you were getting wine

Me-Why would you think I was getting wine?

A-Well you did say drug store



Karen said...

I have had this very same conversation! It is weird that you can buy legal drugs at a drug store, and apparently it's a hard concept for little minds.

Hope you're feeling better.

carey said...

try explaining to your kids what a pharmacist is.

cher, love the new page design. i'd like that on a shirt, I think.

cherk said...

Oh yeah a pharmacist-that would be tricky
Thanks on the background, I fared better then Chris did with the funky blog background site, I spent WAY to much time searching for a cool one.