Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here SHE comes...

I can sense her, she is just around the corner-lurking. She is my alter ego at Christmas time which hubby kindly calls the Christmas Nazi. It starts off with the Festival of Trees which I just went to on Saturday. I walk into a room surrounded by craftsy, artsy trees that I can only dream of being able to create (or afford to create). And then there are the gingerbread houses galore-I was so inspired one year that I tried make my own-have you tried to make a gingerbread house from scratch? I was as good at that as I am at sewing-which means not good at all.

This is how the Christmas Nazi starts the season-listening to x-mas music non stop, looking for holiday recipes, buying egg nog, getting out my 12 tubs of Christmas decor (no this is not a joke-ask hubby he gets them all out for me), scouring hobby lobby for some inspiration for a cool centerpiece or new wreath, watching tons of Christmas videos with the boys, and then finally the TREE. Last year was the first time in a long time that a member of my family went with me (Thank you Q)-they usually boycott this could-be-great family activity due to my searching and searching through the lot for just the right tree. Not kidding, a co-worker who happened to see me go from tree to tree makes wisecracks about it.

I think about the donations I want to make or some kind of community thing to make it special for someone else. I am probably one of the few people who doesn't get short tempered in line or the store-I ooze goodwill (well ok, most of the time).

So there it is, she is coming, I can feel it the Insane Christmas mom is coming and I CAN'T WAIT


Chris said...

Do you wait until after Thanksgiving, or are you already listening to Christmas music? I CAN'T STAND the Christmas music or anything else Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I refuse to look at any of the Christmas stuff at the stores also until it is time. I love Christmas so much that I just don't want to be sick of it before it even gets here. You go nazi woman you! Can't wait to see your trees.

cherk said...

I do wait until after Thanksgiving, but I look around and get ideas. With Thanksgiving being late it seems like December is here right away.

bobbione8y said...

ha ha ha.

i love that imagery. yes, it does bring out something in us, doesn't it?

i am not really THAT crazy, but usually just a little with the plans, many never executed.

show us your tree when you get it decorated, ok?

carey said...

I love hearing about this side of you. He he. Go Nazi go. It's all in good fun.

Karen said...

Wow. I had no idea! Since you love standing in line, I'll send you my shopping list. Oh, and I want a new wreath, too.

cherk said...

Karen-I had to laugh about the wreath, one year that was all I made for gifts, I was wreath rabid and up to my elbows in hot glue, each person's was a "theme" something that I thought was special about them or knew they loved. I also actually don't stand in IN line but shop ON line-the only way to go.