Wednesday, November 12, 2008

14 years and many more to go

I was at a time in my life when I was resigned to never having a boyfriend like all my friends, never getting married, never meeting that SOMEONE and I would be going it alone and not turning back. WHEN We met on chance-a dare actually to go on a motorcycle ride to the coast-he said my butt wouldn't last a day. Well my good friends you know I hate to LOSE, so away I went on the back of a Harley with a guy I had known for barely a month. Now here we are on the day of our 14th wedding anniversary, 2 kids later, 2 cancers later and a roller coaster ride of both small and big things.. Besides the thought that I am getting older (ugg) I had some random thank you's that go through my mind for my significant other. We don't celebrate with cards or big gifts and I think the appreciation comes in the little things, so here is the list of appreciations. Thank you to my hubby who:

Lets me shop whenever I want and appreciates my sense of decorating style and dress style ,he actually asks my opinion on "What not to wear" for himself

Takes care of the checkbook and all that "silly" money stuff that I have conveniently forgotten how to do

Taught me how to fish and hunt and still puts a worm on my hook for me

Shared with me two beautiful children and listens patiently to my worries about said children

Is the ying to my yang-he never sweats the small stuff and actually doesn't sweat the big stuff. He has taught me that things WILL be out of our control and you can worry or get off the pot and move on

He is never jealous and understands the "me" and "girl" time I need

Sorted the pantry during my week long hospital stay after surgery because he didn't want me to come home to a "messy house"

Encourages me to go out and get what I want, that I am good at my job and have the ability to do so much more

He is the mental rock I cling to when I am frazzled and scattered and the sounding board that I can share anything-and I mean anything about-almost as much a great female friend. It isn't always perfect or romantic on a daily basis but it the length of the journey that counts and oh what a journey it has been.


carey said...

it's a great story. i do remember when you decided to take off on the motorcycle trip, we all wondered if you had lost your mind. can't believe it's been 14 years. and i also can't believe this look like such kids :)

Karen said...

Your hair has come as far as your marriage, Cher! I'm so glad you went off (like a total nut) on the back of that motorcycle. Thanks for taking such good care of our Cher-Bear, Shane!

bobbione8y said...

oh, sometime i would love to hear the LONG version of how you met your husband.

love the post :)
happy anniversary!

cherk said...

Karen-Yes on the HAIR, some of us (like me) are just not made for long hair.

Bobbi-the story is quite good. Hubby and I talk alot about the misfortunate things that happened on that trip and how we would probably hurt each other now if we tried it again:)

Chris said...

Wow!! 14 years is impressive. You are an inspiration. Happy Anniversary Shane & Cher!