Saturday, November 15, 2008

From Homework Buzz to Intoxication

So eldest son has an all day chess tournament at the local college. I take this as a sign to load up all my homework stuff-that is really piling on as we near the end of the term (you all remember Fall term, Spring term?) and complete a homework marathon. I have been sitting here since 9:00-it is now 2:10 with only a half our break for lunch and I am feeling like I have been hit with a truck. Not sure if it is the cold I have been keeping at bay for 2 weeks is getting the best of me or my brain is drunk with educational philosophies, multicultural education, transformational leadership, inclusion and the list goes on and on. I have gone to the bathroom a million times and look like one of the college kids who walk in here around 2 to eat in the commons (you know the ones, they have just rolled out of bed due to partying last night), pale, weak and ready to go back to bed. In the back of my mind is the thought that I CANNOT be sick-with a presentation for my class on Mon. night-and a presentation Monday day to 8 of the building leadership teams in the district-a great opportunity to show my speaking skills to a big group in front of those who do the hiring of principals-uggggg-Not being 100% is just not an option.

Thanks for listening and off to imbibe of more homework.


Karen said...

Praying for perfect health and smooth speaking, Cher!

carey said...

crap. i hope you got some good rest, took your vitamins, ate healthy and are feeling confident and healthy by monday. i have to say, you have way more ambition than me. i'm not sure i could hack homework anymore...

cherk said...

Thanks for the well wishes, felt 10 times better today, but fading this evening, so hitting be early. Lots of vitamins and lots of vitamin c

Chris said...

Did you do this yet? If so, how did it go?

cherk said...

I did both the class presentation and the district staff development. Must have done a pretty good job. The director of staff development asked if I would do a workshop session for the new teachers group in January about Sped stuff, so that is a good sign