Sunday, September 7, 2008

Today's goals

Put the clean laundry away that has been sitting in the basket since labor day

Clean the mini reptile gardens cages in A's room-too close to smelling like the real place

I am officially grounded from any blogging until these things are done, so if you don't hear from me until later this week you know I didn't complete my mission.

What I really want to do today though is fishing in the cool, misty, rainy weather!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Good luck to ya, Cher! I banned myself to weeding so I could get some cleaning done. I tried to stay from blogging, but the weekend really is the only time for me to catch up, so here I am! I did get laundry washed, some put away, kitchen clean and a VERY dirty dog & bathroom cleaned. So, I guess I'm doing well.