Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pseudo Mountain Biking

So hubby has been into mountain biking for a few years now (when he has the time) and my oldest son loves it (it is amazing how much faster he is on a trail then in a track race). Anyway I have toyed with the idea of trying it myself but never have. The whole idea of falling and then falling on rocks is not very appealing. BUT I really want to be able to go as a family so I have tried it a couple of times-and didn't fall so willing to try some more.

Hubby invests in a nice bike for me and we go out today with younger son. So today as I am riding I realize I REALLY like it, but not for all the reasons I think I would.

I thought it would be great exercise-I go so slow (fear of falling again) that I don't really work up a sweat-so at this point it is not the greatest workout-still love it

I like to do things I AM GOOD AT-I am not good at this, I look just like an almost 40 year old trying to take on a new sport and it is not very graceful-still like it

I like to go fast and workout quickly-again this does not happen but still love to ride

I am competitive I want to be as cool and good as these other mountain bikiing women I know-and I know that is impossible -and for once I really don't mind and here is why...

I realize WHY I am really liking this biking thing. It is NOT EASY. It takes all my concentration all my intensity to maneuver over things, up things, go the right speed, NOT FALL. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing else running through my brain at the time-NOTHING but my body, the bike, scenery and especially the crunch of the tires over leaves and rocks and sticks.-I even forget to stop and wait for small fry. I am an expert multi tasker and I am often thinking of a million things-work, parenting, school and just plain worrying. But when I am on the bike my mind is clear and challenged. CHALLLENGED and not just going through the motions, how often can I say that happens each day-not very often.



carey said...

awesome. i'm a little intimidated by the mountain biking thing, REAL mountain biking. last time i did it, i fell off a cliff and landed in the river. doh.

you go girl.

cherk said...

Carey-I don't know if I could call it REAL mountain biking. They are REAL trails for REAL mountain bikers like hubby but I am still just a weekend warrior and walk UP and DOWN alot of it that scares me. Big slabs of slate and stumps and my body falling onto them don't mix.

bobbione8y said...

i want to be an athlete like you want to be a crocheter :)

i guess we are all made differently, but this sounds terrifying to me! ha.

Karen said...

You are NOT almost 40.


cherk said...

karen-well turning 38 this year will leave me much CLOSER to 40 then 30, so just getting mentally prepared:)

Chris said...

38...sigh. I'm with ya Cher. I too once thought about mountain biking, but since I fell during one of my first hikes out here, laughing at a large boob shaped rock, I decided I didn't need to increase my chances of falling! The reason you like biking, is the same reason I like hiking. It's a nice escape.