Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Overwhelmed as defined in the dictionary:
To load, heap, treat or address with an overpowering or excessive amount of anything
Yep that about fits right now or I can sense it coming down this way. WHY??

Today I only crossed one thing off my to do list-called to make a hair appt. it is all about priorities
Recieved the syllabus for 1 of my 2 classes this semester-with assignments attached-a syllabus always visually overwhelms me
Keep staring at the big internship book that hasn't been touched in 2 weeks
The laundry in the basket, that is staying in the basket
The after school crush of dinner, baths, playing, going over backpacks and paperwork
The loss of working out for the next few weeks-something has to take a back seat for the start up of the school year
The weird smell coming from the boys bathroom sink-I have no motivation to pursue that any further
My neglected plants outside since I have been at work
Lesson plans
Meeting with teachers
Rapport with parents
Begining of the year paperwork
Putting out small fires....

The shining star-A's first day went well. He even asked me to get his book order done, he wants to turn it in early AND he showed me his daily planner


Karen said...

I totally understand, Cher. I had a little meltdown last night when the hubby asked me to do something for him. I don't even have grad school (or a job, yet) to deal with and I already feel completely overwhelmed. Thank God you have someone to clean for you. That was brilliant.

carey said...

your list makes my head hurt. but really...it's time for the outdoor plants to die anyway, the kids only need a bath every once in awhile, you can buy new underwear if you run out of clean laundry and you can do all your internship/syllabus stuff when the weather sucks and you're stuck inside.

see how easy that was :)

cherk said...

Karen-luckily my hubby has been very understanding
Carey-I actually had to buy underwear in Aberdeen-I had forgotten to pack it, so I was good to go!

I just need to sit down and block off a time and all will get better

Chris said...

I'll be prayin for ya Cher! Totally know how you feel, although I was there during the summer more than now. This too shall pass;)