Sunday, September 28, 2008

preparing for battle

The boys have been "working together" to look for their nerf bullets to shoot. In the process they have torn apart their rooms looking and moved on to other playing. SOOOOOO I am mentally preparing myself for the 6:00 PM timeline I gave them to have it all picked up just like it does before a good vacumming. Better have some wine soon to prepare and for the aftermath


Karen said...

Well? How did it go?

cherk said...

Actually no battle at all-I refuse to nag and get mad. Sooooo at 6:00 younger son's room was picked up and when older son's wasn't I did it and he proceeded to pay me from his allowance for it. Hit them where it hurts at this age

Karen said...

Good work, mom! If anyone here was actually getting allowance, I could be rich.