Tuesday, September 9, 2008

today ugggggggg

Like it says in the childrens book with Alexander.

Today was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

I am never, never going to make it through this semester


Karen said...

Oh, Cher. Just remember what Alexander's mom said. I hope tomorrow (today) is better.

carey said...

karen's right. one day at a time. one day at a time.

cherk said...

You are both very wonderful, shiny, supportive friends to listen to my whining. Today was SO much better, focusing on one thing at at time with the biggest issues first worked wonders. Also older son NOT having any homework and sweating it out at boot camp worked wonders.

Chris said...

Yes, one day at a time. You must get your masters, for me, you must, one day at a time.