Thursday, September 18, 2008

Future scientist or unabomber??

Ok I am putting the first real cooked meal I have made in two weeks in the preheated oven. As I slide the casserole dish in I notice a bright green blob on the bottom of the oven. Hmmm I think to myself that is a weird food particle. I proceed to scrape and SCRAPE the blob off the hot surface and lay it on the counter to cool. I am perplexed as to what it is so I ask hubby. He says "Looks like some kind of pottery, I bet the boys threw it in their like a kiln". Ahhh the postitive genetic trait is coming back to me.

I take green blob back to big kid and little kid and say "What is this?". Big kid claims to have no idea and little kid says "oooohhh pottery". Busted. He denies it, I threaten and drop if for the evening. Later in our confession booth called the xterra. Little brother says to me "ok mom let me explain I think it was some plasticy stuff, yeah, maybe with some crytstal stuff in the middle and I think I threw it in when you guys were outside or sleeping. And oh, it may have some metal in the middle." WHAT. After a lecture about NOT putting things like chemicals and metal IN THE OVEN. He says to me, "ok, well I am really going to not tell you about my next experiment when I was going to make this stick thing and light it with a spark, really mom how am I ever going to be a scientist!!"

This kid is never getting his own work bench in the garage.


cherk said...

Pardon my spelling, this was written after class a bottle of wine and watching ultimate fighting. (their should read there)

carey said...

now that is true creativity. i've heard how stephen king's mom once let him film a movie in their house when he was little and he lit the couch on fire.

all geniuses require moms with a sense of humor. goog thing you have plenty of it.

Karen said...

Complete with fire extinguisher!!

bobbione8y said...

my first thought when i looked at that pic on this post was NOT that it was a piece of melted plastic!

funny :)

Chris said...

No it looks like some prehistoric slimy fish thingy!

cherk said...

Yeah, the picture does not do the color justice. Maybe we could sell it as a gag gift:)