Tuesday, December 21, 2010

40 in a nutshell

The big birthday is officially over. Came in with a bang and out with a quiet whisper last night. All the things I had on my birthday wish list came true.
A night of dancing-and I mean dancing-disco ball included
Guitar serenade by Big Fry
Kindle from the hubby
All the staff at work dressing up "spangly" for the day-that is another story
Small fry asking for more "kids cereal" since it was MY bday
30 bday cards from a fifth grade class
Could have done without the naughty kids at school who didn't here the announcement obviously. But all in all 40 came and went like any other day. Just as it should be


bobbione8y said...

hey cher! welcome to the club :) well, i'm only in that club a little while longer. but 40s are good.

cherk said...

Thanks bobbi, the last decade was good so I won't expect anything less. I would have sent you one of my arty photo cards but realized I don't have your address. I hope you time off is relaxing!

carey said...

happy belated birthday!! i am glad you had fun. enjoy your Christmas break. i LOVED your card. very very cool.

Karen said...

Merry Christmas Eve!

I'm glad your birthday was so great, I have no doubt that this will be your best decade yet!


Chris said...

Again, wish I would have been there! For all my complaining about becoming 40, it really is not bad at all. If I didn't remind myself that I am now 40, I wouldn't even know!:)