Friday, March 19, 2010

Today I learned

I don't share many work stories here. I worry about confidentiality and my moral/ethcial obligation but today rocked me. A frequent friend (this is the name I give students that I see often and not always in a positive manner) had a long difficult day. In the end a call home was needed so child could be picked up and sent home. A tantrum began and the deal offered (by the child) that he would be good if only I wouldn't call his mom. I.don' After the call, child grabs a pottery piece off my desk, made by one of my children, lifts it over his head and smashes it to the ground. First day on the job I have been shocked and angry, very angry. Can you see the stretching (my favorite Karen word) that is occurring??

I have met parents this year at their wits end with their child-5, 6 and 7 years old. Parents who are lost, lost at sea-floundering really. Frustrated, expasperated, humiliated and more, genuinely LOST. I as a parent have only had a glimmer of what their worries are like-a small glimmer at that.
Today was I was given a larger sliver of light when the dad walked through my door and I explained the pottery pieces shattered on the floor. How do you make a parent feel better at that moment? You don't. I could tell his heart was just like that pottery laying on the floor.


Karen said...

Oh, wow. Talk about stretching. I can't even imagine that situation, or how I would handle it. Sometimes I'm amazed at how much more (than me) of a grown-up you are.

Um, trip to the pottery store this weekend??

bobbione8y said...

oh, i am sorry. i cannot imagine what is going on in their young minds that they are carrying that much anger, and that they have no respect for anyone. already.

so sad.

cherk said...

No pottery store, it was a homemade one made by small fry.

Bobbi-it is sad but at the same time one has to HOPE that some sort of influence can be made, without that there really is no point