Monday, March 8, 2010

Hubby in the basement

I am glad I read Karen's post first about the burgers. I HAD planned to post about hubby being in the basement all day yesterday in a not so favoring light. It was one of those days where the weekend errands seemed impossible, the kids are sick, I am sick. Hubby is nowhere to be found, I ask the boys, "Where is dad" they promptly say playing his game-meaning the online computer game that he plays when his is stressed or needs some down time, no big deal. I head to work, come back and hubby is still "playing his game" I start to get more irritated as I fold laundry, neb a kid, make a grocery list, take kids skating-all while on a high dose of thera flu. By 4:00 or so and no hubby, I am...well you pick a word. I send off a venting text to a friend, be snappish to hubby the minute his head appears at ground level, make a snide comment about relaxing with the game. He looks at me flabbergasted, "I have been doing work stuff all day, want to come see". Gulp, I am directed to immediately text my friend to set the record straight and we have a laugh. He shares the story at work with all his women coworkers they are highly amused.

I am sooooo glad now I didn't POST yesterday and have to retract today.


Karen said...

We all have to retract from time to time, don't we? I'm glad he made progress in the basement, I can't wait to see it.

cherk said...

Apoligies aren't a bad thing, it helps others learn forgiveness? He was actually doing work from his job-job. It wasn't even hubby chores-that is why I felt doubly bad

carey said...

what's the ETD on the basement reveal? i remember all that sheetrock dust. just know that it is all worth it!