Monday, February 15, 2010

sad paper

Small fry has this idea in his head that origami is fun. He brings home books, we buy a kit, and extra funky specially made paper. He starts on his first creature. After about one fold I hear "moooommmmm I need help". I go to save the day, really how hard can folding paper be? Guess what? Pretty darn hard. After the first attempt-folding, creasing, unfolding more creasing-a little bit of scrunching, some choice words, I hand it to him "Hmm it doesn't really look like the picture". WHAT? This was two weeks ago, I conveniently "hid" the origami paper, which somehow found its way on the breakfast bar today. "Mooommmm can you help me do origami" which again translates into "Can you make me a dove?" I think I have met my creative match-origami ranks right up there with sewing


bobbione8y said...

yes. oragami is like rocket science. they don't tell you that on the package... ;)

cherk said...

Total rocket science, all those folds, dotted lines, reverse lines, reminds me too much of geometry

carey said...

big j has a boy from japan in his class and he makes insane origami. way way above my fine motor skills level.