Friday, September 11, 2009

7 Loves

I will have you know (Karen) that I don't love chain letters or being tagged, but I will do this one just because its you:)

1. Deep friendships-I am not a people person BUT I love deep, genuine, meaningful relationships. The kind where no matter how many years apart you can see and talk to those people and it feels like home. I love the unique stories, heartaches, joy and laughter that comes when there is a no-holds-barred give and take
2. Clay-I love the sticky, warm gooeyness of clay especially on the pottery wheel. There is nothing like taking a big block of warm brown mud and spinning it into something beautiful.
3. The lake, I love the lake, the warm soft sand and sun. I can just throw my towel down and lay there forever soaking up the sun, it makes my bones and muscles feel warm and relaxed and can make the worst day the best.
4. Children-I love children and not just my own...I love their giggles, smiles, amazing pearls of wisdom that comes from their mouths. There is nothing better than a word or gesture that takes one small moment on my part but I know makes that one child's whole day.
5. Sleeping children-I love sleeping with my children-and not just because they are quiet. I have always loved hearing their breathing, seeing their long black lashes agains their cheeks and their warm brown skin next to mine. I could lay there forever.
6. Honesty-I think this comes with the deep relationship love back at number 1. I value above many things honesty. Honesty from and with others-which some could say being brutally honest could be a fault of mine. But mostly honesty and trueness to myself, what I believe in and what I believe about myself
7. Sunrises and Sunsets-Each day I am given a gift-the rising and setting of the sun. I love these not only for the colors but the uniqueness each one brings-you will never see any two the same. For me the sunrise and sunset simply the beginning and ending of one more day we are given here to enjoy all the loves we have.

So I think because I am NOT a people person and because Karen has pretty much tagged any people I could tag to pass this on...I will just let you enjoy


Karen said...

Thank you.

I LOVE that you did this, and I love learning even more about you. You are a gem of a friend, Cher-bear, and I love you.

Chris said...

Thanks for sharing, Cher! Missin you lots!

bobbione8y said...

i just think, almost every time i read one of your posts, how can one of the coolest people i know be somebody i don't even technically know?!!!
