Monday, August 3, 2009

Did you know nail polish remover can.....

Remove gum from the legs of boys. I am talking to a friend who stopped by who the boys LET IN when I wasn't there yet. So much for them learning not to answer the door when we are not home.
Anway as we are talking older son comes out laughing and says "Look at my hairy legs, there is gum on them!" Youngest son then comes out sans pants AND underwear-his spiderman t-shirt barely covering his privates and says "Yeah and look at the gum on my legs!" and he lifts his shirt to show me, with good friend standing right beside me! I quickly escort her to the day, she is smothering a huge laugh and we march to the bathroom. The story is they are wrestling on my bed, gum drops out of someones mouth and ta-da you have gum on legs. Crazy! The nail polish remover worked like a charm with a little vigorous rubbing and pulling-which I secretly enjoyed:)


Karen said...

So Q wrestles naked???

cherk said...

Ewwwww I hope that wasn't the case!

Chris said...

Classic! This one you will use to torture them for the rest of their lives!