Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fighting the blahs

Here it comes the end of the summer blahs, or some other blahs in full force. I can feel a headache coming on. One of those I get that last for days no matter what I take or do.

I sit and I think about the upcoming school year, new students, dealing with staff, internship and the most classes I have taken in a semester.

I sit and think about will my oldest start off the year well. Will he get a teacher who tries to understand him, help him grow as a learner. I hope he doesn't struggle too much or worse, not like school or continue to get picked on by a particular group of kids. My hubby reminds I worry about these same things every year and each year is better then the last so I try to focus on that.

I sit and look at all the health and exercise magazines I subscribe to and all the things in the them that I WANTED to do DIDN'T do this summer. My secret goal was to look 1/4 as good as the trainer on the biggest loser (yeah I know I was probably dreaming). The exercising I did pretty well, healthier eating was my downfall (Summer treats and lunches out with the boys are a terrible temptation). My plan to do yoga, stretching and pilates at home was a big bust. Everything fits better then a year ago and I get lots of compliments, but my lofty goals make me feel like a big pear anyway.

I am being a big whiner so I will sign off for a bath and glass of wine and think of the GOOD things I did do this summer like connecting with friends and enjoying time and activities with my kids that many working moms and families I know don't get to. That bath has got to help:)


carey said...

ah, cher. i hope that bath did help, and it's ok to feel like that sometimes. but you have to know how blessed you are, i can see it all around you. you look wonderful and seem so happy, you have a beautiful home and great kids, a husband who obviously loves you to pieces, friends who really care about you and a great career that you're very very good at. the only thing i see getting in your way is that cumbersome chair taking up room on your patio...why don't i just take that off your hands?

cherk said...

Didn't get a bath or my wine, hubby drank the last glass:( Thanks for your words, hmmmm maybe it is the chair weighing me down:)

bobbione8y said...

wow. Cher, i think you look fabulous. really toned and GOOD.

take it from someone almost a decade older. enjoy how you look NOW. later in life, you'll look back and say "wow, maybe i DID look okay!"


cherk said...

Bobbi-thank you for the compliment and it is funny you mentioned looking back. I think that came up during some of our girl conversations that we should have appreciated more what we had 10 and 20 years ago. Honestly I think all women look great and it would be boring if we came in all the same shape and size and the inside is so much more what counts!

Chris said...

I definitely didn't do half of what I said I would do this summer either. It flew by. And when it ends, I feel like you do. I sort of mourn summer. it's my favorite season, and I worked during most of it! At least I got to go on some trips and see people I care about. So, I guess, here's to fall and all it's new and frsh possibilites!