Monday, August 18, 2008

Ahhhh friends

All day yesterday and last night I was able to get together with some friends from long ago and it has been a good time. The good part of friends is the awesome conversations-last night we had MANY conversations and lots of laughing, eating, drinking and relaxing. Smores for dessert hit the spot. The bad part about friends is the eating and drinking (I have a feeling clothes will be tight), and when the visit is over-goodbyes are never fun, so I don't know if we all really say goodbye or just walk someone to the door and say "See you" because we know we will.

By the way Bobbi- remind me to post a picture of what Karen and I call "your" chair.

On another note my official vacation comes to a close in one week. Need to post a wrap up/summary of the summer-overall it has been a good one!


bobbione8y said...


i want to see my chair :)))

so glad you guys include me in the friends category :)

carey said...

dang. wish i could have been there. dang dang dang.

Chris said...

It was just that perfect. I miss having you all around me all the time. It did my soul good. Until next time!:)

Karen said...

No goodbyes. I do love a setting where we can comfortably discuss both God and orgasms over smores!!

cherk said...

Carey-next time we will know to plan two nights of conversation in a row-one night for the ice breaker and the small talk and the other one for the down and dirty conversations:)

Chris-Glad your soul is better, I like to call it "filling your cup back up"

Karen-Wow when you write the conversation topics in black and white we seem a strange bunch:)