There are two thing occurring at my house this summer that are small in the scheme of life but very annoying in the scheme of my daily life. As of today my washer has not worked for a month. Hubby went with a repair guy he had used before-not Sears-he was boycotting them. The part took forever and then the guy threw his back out. Sooooo I have been going to the laundry mat and now resorting to taking one load at a time of what we need (like underwear) down to the empty apartment we rent out and bringing it back heavy and wet to dry. Uggggggggg
The second annoyance is our yard. We were also planning on putting sod down a month ago. But with the lovely DAILY or NIGHTLY thunderstorm we keep getting here we are getting nowhere! We finally have the sprinker done after that huge week of rain in early June and were supposed to have grass TODAY but now the topsoil can't deliver the dirt-it is to WET. I am all for getting rid of this drought we are in but looking out at my everglades mud like yard is driving me crazy. I was so pumped to sit on my grass tomorrow night with a wine or beer and just revel in the green, coolness of it.
Hmmmmm oh well-patience is a virtue and I am REALLY trying
oh, i hear ya on the washer. it was my dryer that was out for over a month, and i too was boycotting sears :)
i finally got a new one, courtesy freecycle and a friend, but i am pretty sure i am not meant for laundromats anymore. they scare me :)
as for the mud, think how good that grass'll grow when you finally get some...!
Ahhh I can't think what would be worse a dryer or a washer, both are a must in my mind. We worked on digging rocks today and the patio, the ground is dry but see scattered showers for the next 3 days which means rain here. I think when I get grass I will just roll out a sleeping bag and lay there all day.
Patience is so not my favorite virtue. I hate that lesson. I also hate laundry, even when it's convenient, so I'm feeling for you there.
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