Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hugs and thank you's

Just a small note...
Thank you to all 3 or 4 of you who comment on my posts at one time or another. It is not many but the words shared mean so much, especially coming from the people who are sharing them. I love that you all (Karen influence there) put up with my venting, honesty, insecurities, humor and joy. Knowing that distance cannot change and even strengthen relationships is such a blessing:)


Karen said...

It is pretty cool, isn't it? Ask Carey about how I drug my feet on this blogging thing, just so sure that it would create more distance to people by allowing us to never actually TALK. But now I'm convinced that it's therapy. Not as good as drinking margaritas together at Steph's, but a very close second. I love knowing what is going on in your life.

carey said...

i totally love that you are blogging, cher. i have missed your humour and your honesty, i've missed YOU. this is a great second. it's hard to make really really great friends now that we're older, and it's so awesome to know that you're all right here when i need you.

bobbione8y said...

i am starting to not remember what it was like to not blog.

that's kinda weird, but true :) i love your blog cher, i think you are a dang fine writer too!

cherk said...

Your compliment is very kind. I am truly not the writer among my friends so it is nice of you to think so-I am more the rambling type and stand up comedy like:)