Monday, May 12, 2008

The cult that is b-ball part 2

This is vent so if you want no part stop reading now
If you are a die hard sports mom-believe in the holy grail of practice, practice, practice-go ahead and log off.

I am going into this baseball thing with a positive attitude. Practice once a week until the season started was fine. WELL weather has not been cooperating so our last 2 practices have been cancelled. So new ones rescheduled and I can tell parents coaches are starting to panic before our first game. We get an email update of practices

We now have 3 practices between tonight and Friday-3 for a bunch of 6 YEAR OLDs and then the game Saturday.

The league planned no games over labor day weekend-smart move BUT they scheduled field times for teams to practice so we have one scheduled every day over labor day weekend, Fri, Sat and Monday and then game Tuesday.

The coach continues to write that we will have TBA practices once the season starts along with the two games each week.
SOOOOO by the time I get to the end of the email and mark down stuff in my calendar I am a little annoyed.

I am all for meeting new families, having my child participate in a group, All American activity and look at is a social activity BUT in my heart of hearts I know that is NOT why we are practicing. It is to produce bionic baseball boys which my son is not, he is asking when snack is before half the practice is over!

Ok enough venting-just had to get that off my chest-Tomorrow all will look better.


Karen said...

Venting is GOOD! Don't stop.

E's team got whipped last night 14-7, and I seriously thought the coaches were going to cry. Meanwhile, 12 little boys were asking me, "What's for snack?" They were remorseful over their errors (like 100 each inning) for a second, but in the end they have their priorities straight---FOOD!!

cherk said...

Really arent' we all about the food deep down! Or at our age now the wine:)

Chris said...

Give yourself a break Cher! Anyone would be frustrated by all that, at least they should be. And your boy will be ok through it all.