Friday, May 2, 2008

SD Weather

This is the oxymoron that is South Dakota weather.

First picture:
Today's weather- that is not shoveled snow-a real drift. You know it is bad when darling hubby actually picks up the shovel and moves snow for a whole 5 minutes.
Second Picture-2 days ago, A's picture of cactus they found for me on the hill behind our house (They were for mother's day)
I am not complaining-West River has not been hit with big snow yet this year. Great day to sleep in, wear pajamas, bake and snack all day!
And shovel


Karen said...

The Monkey is soooooooo jealous of your snow! Right now we have thunder and lightning and tornado warnings (that have canceled his birthday baseball game!). Your pic looks like so much more fun!

cherk said...

Tell him the snow is gone and now we just have mud in our grassless lawn. Hmmmmm mud could be fun in its own way:)

Chris said...

Gotta love that Spring snow!

Karen said...

Yeah, I have no doubt that A, Q and E would find many uses for that mud!