Saturday, May 24, 2008


I am keeping this short but hoping writing makes me feel a little better. This week between me and my oldest has been rocky to say the least. The arguing, eye rolling, "But...." "come on..." comments from him are becoming extremely exhausting. I can remain calm to a point then just say aghhhhhhhhhhh. Today was the final straw, I brought my 9 YEAR OLD home from the grocery store, just left the cart and drove him back. It wasn't major but he had a warning arguing and asking for something yada yada- and I had enough. I am working hard at not over analyzing and not fretting abou it but how can we make it through the summer if we can't even make it through the store!!

Ok not getting immediate gratification of feeling better but will get there.


Karen said...

Oh, Cher. You will make it, I promise. I believe you did the right thing--we spent time this weekend with a teenager who is STILL acting like your nine-year old. I kept thinking, "They should have squashed this attitude/behavior yeeeaaaaarrrs ago." Keep fighting the good fight, it will pay off.

cherk said...

Karen-You post couldn't have come at a better time. I am home today not feeling well and after a morning blow up (mine).
Too much internet searching and crying and worrying that my overbearing ways and emotional outbursts are going to ruin my child forever, is is nice to hear I am not alone. Sometimes I just feel my kid is so not like other kids, or mostly not like I was, so I carry the lecturing and verbal comments TOO far. Anyway aftershool is a new day

Karen said...

I know it's hard, Cher. I'm praying for peace at your house today.

carey said...

cher, oh man. PLEASE don't feel this way. i do it too! and i'm kinda glad you admitted it. i have struggles with my oldest too. i'm so focused on his behavior that sometimes i forget all about the little guy--who happens to be much easier. i roller coaster between being really strict and hard-core to being "fun mom" who lets her kid be who he is. the point is, you wouldn't be surfing the Internet and pulling your hair out if you didn't love him so much. we all just want them to grow up being good people. we aren't perfect, and neither are our kids. stop comparing, and thinking, and worrying and wondering and just BE.
and i will try it too :)

cherk said...

I love your comment-I could have wrote it to myself:) Knowing there is someone somewhere that has a small insight of how the other person helps! Your comment about the youngest hit the nail on the head. My motto this summer comes from a workshop I went to-"Celebrate what is right with the world" focus on the gifts along with picking my battles-if I spent more time looking at the brilliant emotional sensitive side and not the drawbacks that come with it we would all be better. Your fun mom comment was funny-sometimes I imagine my kids see me as Linda Blair in the excorcist-they just look at each other and think "Ahhh here she goes, her head will spin at any moment:)"

On an ending note the last few days have been wonderful....