Tuesday, April 22, 2008


FINALLY feeling better. Had the stamina to go and do a light workout and not gasp for breath at the end.

Fired up the grill for the first time this year. Nothing like a bratwurst and hot dogs and dropping the first one on the patio-gave it hubby. A definite sign that summer is on its way.

Which leads to my top 10 things about summer. Only 5 Mondays from now-but who is counting?

10. More sun, more sun, more sun
9. Planting flowers and endless days of looking for bugs and butterflies
8. Camping
7. Fishing
6. Finding new recipes and new meals for every day
5. Wine and margaritas outside
4. Exercising everyday before the day even starts
3. Taking photographs
2. Playing stay at home mom and tourist with the boys
1. The lake and the pool, the sun and getting toasty brown in the sun (yes I use sunscreen-a little-but just can't give it up.)

Really number 1 and 2 could be a tie.


Karen said...

Yippee!!! The Monkey and I are struggling with Spring Fever SO BAD right now. And I don't even have to shower to go to work...

Glad your summer is on its way!!!

Chris said...

I remember having summers off. I loved that soooo much. I can't wait for the wind to go away and for the warmth to be consistent.

carey said...

i love your picture of summer. it sounds a lot like mine, except for the sunscreen part. you know i have to pour that stuff on. sigh.