Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ice fishing part 2 and boys will be boys

Here is a picture essay of ice fishing. Look closely. You will see no fish, no lake, no poles. We didn't either. Here is why. We underestimated the snow on the road, and the thick slippery ice under the snow. Really the snow in Rapid wasn't that deep. So as we came around the bend, hubby says are you going that slow or sliding? Umm sliding, sliding right towards the very steep embankment. We get stuck. We get to use our fishing buckets-those came in handy for digging. We drove down to the parking lot TRIED to drive up. Got stuck again and finally turned around and deserted the xterra. I called my bestest friend Suree and her lovely hubby came to pick us up. Here are the pics of us patiently waiting...
Hubby retrieving small fry from a time out. Notice the open gate, no one told us we COULDN'T or SHOULDN'T
I just liked this one...
Hubby had the patience of saint today, very impressive...
Boots, those came in handy
Boys will be boys part..
Now here is the other part of the story. Hubby decides we will get chains today and go back out. I am excited, ready to go. My best friend's hubby says, "Well hey if you are heading back out let me know Cher can stay home and I will go." Hubby tells him, "Yeah that would be great". The thrill of danger, excitement, and testosterone is so thick you can cut it with a knife. They get to buy big man chains, wrestle with the chains, tromp in the snow. Farmer blow, swear and conquer nature all in an afternoon. Do all powerful man work. Just like a couple of boys I know building a snow fort. Boys will be boys! Now I wish I had been there with my camera for that!


bobbione8y said...

wow! it's like you guys live OUT WEST! in the WILDERNESS! it's posts like these that make me kind of jealous that we don't even have A hill.... :)

Karen said...

I love it! Boys WILL be boys, won't they?

You're a stud, by the way. You could totally be a buffalo farmer. :-)