Tuesday, May 26, 2009

While we are talking of hubbies...

Karen's last post about her fantabulous hubby reminded me of night last week-yeah I am late writing this post but the nice weather, baseball, and BMX are crimping my evening typing. Anyway I notice many of our blog posts are about kids, work, bad days, good days, deep stuff and small stuff. I notice-for me at least anyway-the posts about the most significant person in my life outside of my parents are few and far between. This leads me to an evening of too much wine and excellent conversation hubby and I had last week late into the night. We all know there is the usually daily conversations we have with those we love and live with, and sometimes the deeper conversations come along like stolen moments. We discussed so many things, things we haven't talked about in a long time. We talked about work, the directions we are heading, where we want to be. We complained while also sharing worries about decisions our parents are making in their older years. We talked about the boys and who they are like, what we want for them-the good, the bad, and the ugly of each. We talked about the third child we had so planned to have before two years of unexpected medical situations exhausted us mentally and physically. I remember going to bed a little fuzzy but feeling so content that the person I live with each and every day is still the one person I can share everything with and want to share everything with. Do we get caught up in the daily grind? You bet. Do we take us for granted? Sometimes. Do I tell him enough how much he means to-probably not. Do we all tell the people we love ENOUGH? Probably not, today sounds like a good day though...


carey said...

it still amazes me that you found this wonderful person on the back of a harley-davidson...i'm so glad you took that ride.

Karen said...

What Carey said! I'm glad you have such a loving, supportive husband. :-)