Saturday, May 2, 2009

Playing catch up

I have been out of touch with the civilized world for 2.5 days at a retreat. Our elegant accomodations was a 100+ farmhouse which was actually an infirmary for a logging camp. Bobbi-you would have LOVED this house. I couldn't help but walk through it and think of all the cool things you would want to do with it, it had all the original things-door handles, windows, etc...

Anyway at the retreat (for future educational leaders) gulp, which I could be one day there was a common theme that all the speakers had and it had nothing to with how to be a leader. Their first and most important piece of advice was to know that no matter how much you want to be a good principal you need to be a good family person first and the needs of your family are the only priority no matter how much you get bogged down with everything else. I had a lot of down time to think about this, without a tv, emails, facebook, blog, and cell service. I have to admit I was going through a little withdrawl without all my connections but then had great conversations with others and reflected on myself in so many ways. Where this is going is where all good retreats or reflections should go is to the action part, what am I to do now. Here is my first step, I am going to greatly limit my computer time, with all the homework I have had and staying in touch with people I admit I don't always look my kids in the eye when I talk to them or focus on those right here in my house. So as of after this last post I am going to allow myself 15 minutes of computer in the AM-unless the boys are asleep and 30 minutes in the evening after they are asleep and that is it. I am hoping this becomes a habit this summer when this nifty little laptop sucks the time right away from me. My second step is to do less, to just sit, I did ALOT of that. To understand that mach 90 is not the only speed, the slower ones are better.
I promise to be a faithful poster, I can't give up my bestest blogger friends but just may not be as quick to respond:) So my 15 minutes are up and need to go lay with a sick kid.


Chris said...

I have to limit myself too from the computer, and the TV! Life just gets away from you if you don't. Good luck!

Karen said...

Um, Mach 90 isn't the only speed?????

I'm proud of you, Cher. I think you're a really neat person, and I'm so glad you're my friend.

bobbione8y said...

ah. your post makes me feel good. i guess i need to know the rest of the world thinks it's OKAY to go slower. what better place to learn that than at a retreat?!

:) wish i could see the farmhouse.

carey said...

i think this is the only way to go.
i am lucky i can write and type fast, it helps me make the most out of my time. can't give up the blogging, but this is the first time i've checked on ya'll since friday morning :)