Friday, October 10, 2008


Definition of release:

Act of freeing or state of being freed

So tonight half my family is gone-Hubby and older son are off on a pheasant hunting trip so just myself and Q are home.

I had some friends over, not my bestest friends-almost bestest and mostly work related but very good friends. Each friend knows me in a different way and came at different times so I had time alone with each one to visit, share and try to be a good listener (I am always a work on progress in that area:). Then we were all together and laughed our asses off. I love laughter, love to hear laughter and to make people laugh with sarcasm, humor, or any means necessary.

The point is the time I have with friends-all kinds of friends is always the BEST. Not one little worry crosses my mind and I laugh and RELEASE all the anxieties and stresses that I let build up and know that I am not so weird-others have those same thoughts and experiences. It is almost zen like. Oh yeah a couple glasses of wine (or a bottle) will make you use that word-ZEN-. There is nothing like womanhood and those that share it with you to make you feel OKAY and not alone.

Okay back to reality to watch a movie in bed with younger son-the second best part of half my family out hunting.


Karen said...

It sounds like a perfect, perfect night.

Um, does A walk around with a gun? Forgive me if I find that frightening.

cherk said...

Um because it is A? :) No, hubby does the actual hunting. A carries the extra shells, plays with the fire and comes back really really grubby.

Karen said...

Not him specifically, but young boys generally. I was nervous every time my dad and I took E shooting. All it takes is one spastic little boy moment for there to be a hole somewhere there shouldn't be.

cherk said...

Karen-I concur about the young spastic boys with weapons. Hubby is extra extra careful so none of the boys actually carry anything, just the dads. The bb gun is about all that gets used by A-man.

Chris said...

I hear what you are saying. Something that is lacking for me. I miss it.