Thursday, October 30, 2008

ever get a "sign"

So I am actually blogging because I am home with the older son. He woke up with a nasty looking eye (pink eye) so I rush to work to do sub plans and come home. By the time I get here it looks better-I hate staying home with pink eye, the kid is not sick-just contagious-really can he spread it around to others THAT much at school?
Anyway we head to the dr for drops. While we are the drs. this 20 something couple walks in ahead of me for labs. The girl is helping the guy walk and when the lab lady comes out they have to help him out of the chair-the lab tech knows him, he is a frequent flyer it looks like and very sick with something and pretty out of it. My heart immediately hurts for them and him. So while I am sitting there-annoyed-that I can't be at work, my kid is missing school-when he missed a day last week a thought comes a "sign" maybe...Go home, relax for the day-don't be annoyed at something so small and trivial, and relflect on how good life really is TODAY.


Karen said...

AMEN. I'm going to take your sign and run with it.

carey said...

josh stayed home yesterday too and he convinced me to stop working at 2:30 to watch Journey to the Center of the Earth, snuggled up on the couch with some popcorn and a kid who was SO NOT SICK.

totally worth it.

bobbione8y said...

um, yeah.

just to be able to get up in the morning, walk around without pain, makes us VERY fortunate!

thanks for reminding me :)