Monday, October 20, 2008

a greener me

So I am not the best "green" person out there. I recycle but sometimes (okay most of the time) don't reuse plastic water bottles. And I am a plastic grocery sack girl all the way-they work great for the litter box. But today I am turning over a green leaf. I bought these cool bags to use and REUSE from this really cool catalog. NOW I just have to not leave the damn things on the car seat when I go to the grocery store!

Best part about going green is I rewarded myself with a really cool t-shirt I just had to have.


Karen said...

I know!! I have four cool bags that have never, ever once made it out of the car and into the grocery store.

Can't read what the shirt says..

cherk said...

The shirt says Be fit, be strong, be a girl.

Karen said...

Nice! We women in all-male households need all the girl-power we can get.

bobbione8y said...

oh, love the bags...can i ask where you found them?

cherk said...

Bobbi-Acacia-it is a very cool catalog, not super inexpensive but I love alot of the things in there-very inspirtational pieces

Karen-I never thought about it, I AM the only girl in this household-but think the saying is "If mama aint' happy ain't nobody happy:)"