Sunday, August 29, 2010

Here it is

Here it is the eve before the first day of school. Big Fry has his backpack packed and ready to go, inlcuding the first piece of homework, done a day early. I don't know who is more anxious for this whole middle school adventure. I just keep looking at it that way or else I may just start crying my eyes out. We are as prepared as we can be- locker opens, lunch number memorized, and lots of reminders that it will be FINE. Of course when we walked through his schedule who should he have in his first period class but a former tormenter from last year. It took all of my willpower to not turn around and confront the little-you-know-what with his mom standing right there. He SOOOO wants a new start and I can tell he has really high expectations-I know just how he feels in more ways than one. It is going to be a long day until I can get home and ask him how it went, I so want to see that wonderful big smile he has cross his face.

Small Fry is ready to, his biggest dilema is to wear his shirt and tie or not.


carey said...

i am anxious to hear how the day went. sometimes 3:15 just can't come fast enough.

i'm thinking of you, and praying for big fry. i do know this: everyone finds his or her place in this world. big fry will find his too.

bobbione8y said...

i also LOVE the last line of this post. schwew. thank goodness for small fry :)

i am praying for bf too! he is a great kid, i sure hope he enjoys his day...

Karen said...

Praying, and waiting to hear.