Thursday, February 14, 2008

The valentine's day diet

Here is the food consumed for the day-School Valentine Day parties are a killer! I am sure the couple pounds I lost last week will be right back where they were...

2 donuts-morning snack and afternoon snack

1-diet coke-my second pop of the week, and third day of some caffinated beverage- there is something wrong with the water at our school and forgot to bring my own-DEHYDRATED

1 mini cupcake and handful of covered pretzels

Delivery pizza on its way, must.....resist........

Truffles given to me by my husband-not sure how many yet, waiting until the greedy chocoholic dwarf (AKA oldest son) goes to bed. The greedy chocoholic giant (me) does not like to share.

The best part of my v-day-oldest son coming home and telling me his teacher said he has been having a great week. I successfully resisted the urge to say, "Aren't all your weeks good?" I am slowly learning to love more, talk less

BUT School conferences next week, I am sure we will here all about it:)


Karen said...

Glad you had a nice day, Cher! I DIDN'T lose any pounds last week, so I'm really, really in trouble after yesterday.

Good job on the loving more. I know how hard it is to be a mother and NOT say anything. I think I'll make that my goal today--love more, talk less. Thanks.

Chris said...

Very nice! Fortunately for me, our program does not celebrate holidays in the classrooms so I dodged that one. Good thing since I didn't lose lbs. but gained one instead!